Thursday, August 09, 2007

Just Do It At Home!

This morning on the way to work, I was reminded of something that kind of drives me nuts. There was a woman in front of me who was putting her make-up on at a stop light. I don't know why, but this has always been a pet peeve of mine. I just don't understand why women can't do their make-up at home. It wouldn't take but a few more minutes in front of the mirror before you leave for work, so why not just do it there! Now, maybe I'm just catching all these women on off days where something happened at home and they couldn't do it there, but I sure see lots of people doing it.

I don't know why this drives me crazy. It's not like it is something gross to see or anything. It's just not something I really want to see when I am driving.

Now, if you are someone who does this in the car regularly, I in no way mean to offend you. This is my blog and I'm just posting something that I was thinking about today. :)


Anonymous said...

I think it's crazy to put your makeup on in the car too! I'd just rather take a few more minutes at home even if I am running late - if I put my makeup on in the car, it wouldn't look that good anyway!

Unknown said...

I am so offended!
ha ha ha ha ha

Amberly said...

Uh-oh... you must be talking directly to me!! I do this ALL the time! In fact, even if I have time to put my makeup on at home, I choose to do it in the car anyway. My argument is that this is the only time all 3 of my kids are strapped in & will leave me alone enough to do it! It's become a habit. I typically leave my makeup bag in the car for that reason! :) It drives Sammy nuts also. But, I wear very minimal makeup, so it's easy to apply.

Oh and by the way, I too am terribly offended!!! :)

Kristi said...

I am terribly offended! In fact, I think I am going to make up a crazy name and comment on your blog under it!! I might even use other peoples names!

Okay, maybe not! I really agree with you. It is also very dangerous as you pay less attention to what is in front of you.

Lynn Leaming said...

I agree wholeheartedly! But there are alot of things people do in their cars that bother me. The worst is talking on cell phones! I cannot tell you how many near accidents I have had because of someone coming over in my lane and when I get up on them they are talking on the phone. I think we all think we are in control and it will never happen to me, but an instant is all it takes.