I watched both of the movies the weekend the second movie came out because I wanted to see what all the hype was about.
Chris and I just watched both of them the past few nights again since he hadn't seen them yet.
Here's my question: which movie did you like (or think was) better if you saw them?
Chris and I discussed them last night and pointed out the good qualities of both. I like the second movie better because it is more high-impact, more group dancing, and the dancing seems better than the first. I have heard from some people that they liked the first one better though.
What do you think?
We're renting them this weekend...I'll let you know!
I think I liked the first one better only because the characters were fresh and it was more unpredictable. But I do agree the dancing was better in the 2nd.
i haven't seen the 2nd one yet but i want to! i really liked the 1st one- i just saw it about a month ago. it makes me feel like a dork since isn't this directed toward a slightly younger audience than, oh, you know, a THIRTY-ONE YEAR OLD MOTHER OF THREE????
I've wanted to rent them and see them for the same reason you did - I want to know what everyone is talking about. I'll report back to you after I've seen them both!
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