Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Random Thoughts

  • I can't tell you how relieved I am to know that I'm not the only one who is crummy at doing laundry and who leaves laundry laying on a couch or chair for extended amounts of time. Now, I'm not proud of this one bit. I am really ashamed of myself that I do this, but I've been going around thinking that I am the only one in the world that does this for the past 4 1/2 years of marriage. Now that I know that I'm not the only one, I feel so much better about myself!
  • I'm trying to drum up business for RETOOL at church tomorrow night but specifically the Fit Kids class. I encourage everyone to come, and if you want to be cool like me, come to Fit Kids!
  • Is anyone else totally jazzed up about The Office starting back up? I can't wait!
  • Ok, when I think of more, I'll post them on here. For now, that's all.


Amberly said...

Stephanie, that's how I do laundry! I wash & dry & then dump them on my sofa for the next week. Or, if I ever get around to folding them, I leave them where I folded them. My laundry hardly ever gets put back in its place. That part is Sammy's job & I definitely don't hold my breath waiting for him to do it!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Gal...you're a fast learner! Wow...4.5 yrs! It took me more than 10...and then it wasn't until Don bought me a suncatcher for my kitchen window that said "A well kept house is the sign of a misspent life!" Don & the boys always met in the morning around the laundry basket to grab clean socks and underwear. It became a joke about their morning huddle! Now Ron gets his socks out of the basket too
...and our bedroom couch has clean clothes on it as we speak!!! Welcome to the world of reality when you work outside the home and when you know what the priorities of life are.