Thursday, October 18, 2007

Vision or Just Late Night Chicken?

Ok, you may all think I am crazy and losing it, but last night I had a dream, and this morning when I woke up I was sure that it must have been a vision from God. Maybe I dreamt it because it has been on my mind lately. Maybe, maybe, maybe... But I don't really think so. I think it was something that I needed to hear.

So, do you think I'm crazy? :)


Anonymous said...

Sometimes when I am really wrestling with something and it is on my mind when I go to bed...I wake up knowing how to handle the situation. I usually have dreamed about something similar during the night. I always consider it a God-sent-answer to my prayer. I definitely don't think you're crazy!

Kristi said...

Nope, not crazy!! God used dreams in the Bible!!

Unknown said...

that is really interesting-
I figure God can communicate with us any way He wants.

Amberly said...

Yes, I think you're crazy because of your title... Late Night Chicken? WHAT?!?! :)

Aren't we all a little bit crazy?