Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The End of a Long Journey

I have wanted to blog about this for so long but was not ready. I am finally ready!

Most of you know that I am pregnant with twins that are due in February. I am extremely excited about this and feel extremely blessed by God!

but the reality is...

I haven't felt that way in a really long time.

Most of you now know that Chris and I just finished a 2 1/2 year struggle with infertility. In my head I still call it a struggle...though I am going to change this phrase to "My Infertility Journey"... a phrase I learned from my infertility support group friends and that I like much better than my more negative sounding phrase.

My next few posts will be about this journey, what it feels like, what I learned from it, etc. I hope it will be a help to others who are going through this journey and to those who have friends going through the journey.

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