I saw this on Rachel's blog and thought I would do it too! I love copying others!
Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper. I love how it looks under the tree!
Real tree or Artificial? We always had real growing up, but after a fire at my parents' house that came close to burning the tree, I probably won't ever get one again. I love the smell of real trees, but I also love the fact that I don't have to buy a tree every year!
When do you put up the tree? I try to put it up the day after Thanksgiving, but it doesn't always work that well. This year we got it up the day after TG, and it has been so nice getting to enjoy it!
When do you take the tree down? I try to get it down the week after Christmas. There was one year that we still had it up till the end of January. Man, why do I always have to tell my dirty little secrets on here!
Do you like egg nog? No way! But Chris does, so sometimes I get it for him. I love spiced cider over the holidays!
Favorite gift received as a child? Man, there are so many. My parents are great gift-givers. There was one year that my parents bought me a new flute about a month before Christmas. Because of that, I didn't think I was going to get anything else, but I got a big tv that had a built in VCR player. It shocked the heck out of me.
Do you have a nativity scene? I have two. A little one that someone gave us at our wedding and then a Fisher Price one that my mom bought for Caleb the year before he was born because she knew he was on the way! He loves it! You can tell him to go bring you baby Jesus, and he goes and gets Jesus. So fun!
Hardest person to buy for? Really, I don't think anyone is that easy to buy for except Caleb.
Easiest person to buy for? Caleb - because at this point he doesn't care!
Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I can't think of any.
Favorite Christmas Movie? Miracle on 34th Street - very cliche, I know.
Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Nope, but I have recycled wedding & baby presents!
Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Christmas candy, and anything when it's with family.
Clear lights or colored on the tree? Definitely clear.
Favorite Christmas song? O Come All Ye Faithful (Actually, I don't know if that is my favorite. I just kind of picked one that I was singing this morning. I like a whole lot of Christmas songs.)
Travel at Christmas or stay home? Our family is all in town for the most part, so we don't travel much, but I still wish we had a little more time at home each year. Don't we all!
Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? Sure, but I don't want to type them all out.
Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning
Most annoying thing about this time of year? Hearing the same Christmas songs over and over.
Favorite ornament theme or color? Silver ornaments, clear lights, and whatever else on the tree. I love lit garland too!
Favorite food for Christmas dinner? We normally have pretty much the same thing that we have at Thanksgiving, and I love it!
What do you want for Christmas this year? I can't think of much that I want. I want stuff for Caleb. And a nap. And time to clean my house. And time to relax. And time to spend with family. I guess there's more that I want than I thought!