Monday, September 24, 2007

Caleb's First Trip to the ER

Saturday was an extremely busy day for us.

I had a flute lesson from 9-10:30. Then I drove to McKinney to pick up a child size picnic table. Then almost as soon as I got home, Chris was going to take Caleb upstairs to take a nap. Chris was holding his hand (and Caleb was laughing his head off). Then Caleb decided to sit down all of a sudden (which he started doing this last week a whole lot) and Chris felt something in Caleb's arm pop. Caleb starting crying immediately.

So we quickly packed everything up to take him to the doctor.

We went to Care Now first...they had a 3 1/2 hour wait.

Then we went to PrimaCare...they had a 2 hour wait and told me to just take him to the ER.

So, off to the Richardson Regional ER we went.

He wound up having Nursemaid Elbow - where the elbow becomes dislocated. It took them a long time to be able to get it back in, and we wound up having to have x-rays done to make sure what the deal was since it wasn't going back in.

They were about to put a sling on his arm, but then he started moving it a little so we didn't have to.

Poor Caleb was still in pain yesterday morning and didn't want to move it. By last night he was using it like normal and wrestling in the floor with me like normal. This morning, he didn't use it at first, but within about 15 minutes of him waking up, he was using it fine.

It is such a miserable feeling when your kid is hurt and you can't do anything about it. I hope we don't have anymore visits to the ER with him, but I have a feeling that we probably will.


Lynn Leaming said...

So glad that he is okay!!

Unknown said...

of course you will- he hasn't even had the obligatory stitches every boy must get before the age of 18.
If you're lucky- his won't be on his face. Poor Cody has his right on the forehead. Incident with brick fireplace at age 2, I believe. I'm glad his arm is ok now. Sorry you guys had to go through that.

Kristi said...

I am so glad he is feeling better! What a scary thing to happen.

Dara said...

That is very scary! So glad he is ok now!

Emma's elbow did this once when she was 2 or 3... It was in the evening without Josh being home... I pulled her to a stand to get her clothes changed for bed and it popped out. It just went completely limp (she cried and held it like it really hurt). I called her pediatrician who said we would need to go to the emergency room if it didn't go back in. Called Cliff Fullerton, just in case he was around, but wasn't. I was talking to my mom about it on the phone, when I picked up her arm to look at it and suddenly it popped back in! Like magic, it was fine again! We got very lucky!