Last night, I walked out of Kroger and could not find my car. Within a split second, I thought: "Someone has stolen my car! What am I going to do? Chris is gone tonight. I'm going to have to call my parents. How did someone steal my car? " Then finally I looked back one more row, and there was my car!
Isn't that one of the worst feelings in the world? Come on, you've got to admit you've done it. I'm not the only one out there. It kind of makes me feel crazy each time I do it. Not that I do it all of the time. Maybe only once every couple of years or so. So that's not too bad.
I've "shirley" done it!! Always makes me want to put one of those Jack-n-the-Box or Mickey Mouse heads on my antenna!! Or tie a balloon to the bumper or something!
where was chris last night on his b-day? you guys weren't together celebrating? and yes, i do that all the time.
Yeah, I've done that. What about when you walk up to a car that is not yours and wonder why it is not opening for you? That's always fun.
I do it all the time. I actually saw a car that looked just like mine once and someone was in it searching the backseat. I ran away scared out of my mind thinking someone was in my car - then I realized I did not park there.
I have done it at the airport, lugging around a suitcase up and down the parking garage, clicking the panic button on the keys. After 30 minutes, I realized it was at a different terminal!
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