Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Ear Hurts

Well, I have eustacian tube tube isn't draining properly. I have two different kinds of medicine to take, so hopefully that will make me feel better soon!

My ear started hurting about three or four days ago. It wasn't a big deal...just kind of annoying. It became a bigger deal yesterday afternoon and has hurt pretty bad since then. I have a doctor appointment here in a little while so he can look at it and figure out what the deal is. I hope it's not an ear infection, but it may be. If it is, I'll know what Caleb has felt like when he has had ear infections. Poor kid!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Man - ear infections are the WORST! I used to have them constantly when I was little and I STILL remember how painful they were. I finally had tubes put in (age 7), had them surgically removed with polyp infections because they didn't fall out like they were supposed to and then had my adenoids taken out as well (age 10). It's the pits! Luckily there have been no problems since so both surgeries were definitely worth it! I pray they get better soon!