Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Voting Day

(Cue the patriotic music!)

I went and voted today during my lunch time. It always makes me feel so good to get out and vote. Such a good citizen!

My dad has always been big on voting. When my brother and I got old enough to vote, he would make sure we voted. So maybe that is why I won't miss an election...no matter how small.

So here's your friendly reminder to vote today! It'll make you feel patriotic too!


Lynn Leaming said...

I voted too, but I have to admit I felt ignorant. After reading all those admendments 10 times I still didn't understand them and couldn't find any resource to tell me what the original article said. But like you I thought it was important just to participate in the process.

Roger Cook said...

It's OK to turn in a blank ballot. I ran a polling place yesterday. We had 188 voters.

I would much rather an informed voter making decisions and an uninformed one turning in a blank ballot.

Roger Cook said...

Oh. For state Constitutional amendments, check out and check out the election information.