Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!

My Christmas/New Year's break is officially over. I am back at work today and thus life and blogging can resume. It was amazing, but I didn't hardly even look at the computer for the week and a half that I was off work. So thus keeping up with my blog did not happen.

Here is a run-down of all we did over the break:

Thurs & Fri - Finish Christmas shopping
Christmas Eve - Dinner & shelf hanging at Casey & Lauren's
Christmas Day - Wake up at our house and do our own thing, go to Mimi & Poppy's to open presents, lunch at grandmother's, nap back at my parents', then back to grandmother's for leftovers
Wednesday - Friday - At Don & Tianay's for the Carroll Christmas. We stayed there and had a great time!
Friday - Bridal Brunch, Manicures & Pedicures for the girls, Wedding Rehearsal & Dinner
Saturday - Breakfast with Grandmother & Poppy, to Sam's to pick up flowers for the wedding (for throwing as C&L left), to the church to get hair done, finish getting things ready at the church, etc. (My bridesmaid's dress' zipper blew up, so they had to pin me and sew me into the dresss!! Great fun!) Wedding, Pictures, Reception

After all that fun, I was EXHAUSTED! We wound up not going to church that next day, and then we pretty much just rested the past few days trying to catch up. We had a great break, and it was wonderful to see so much family, but it just about did me in. It's actually nice getting back into the swing of things so that life can slow down a little bit (that sounds funny since we are constantly on the go, and I am well-known to be one of the most busy people ever!).

Oh, and Caleb was the ring bearer for the wedding, and he did AWESOME!!! We didn't think there was any way he would go down the aisle, but he did so great! I told Chris that I really wanted to tell him how proud I am of him (which I have many, many times over the past few days), but I really wish he could understand right now how extremely proud of him I was. So Caleb, when you read this someday when you are older, know that your mommy was soooo proud of you! I wanted to jump up and down on the stage and clap for you! I know there will be many more times in your life that I am that proud of you, but this was one of the first times that my pride for you was swelling up so much within in me! I love you!


Kristi said...

Go Caleb!!

Anonymous said...

I loved it when Caleb made it down the aisle and Mimi picked him up, put him in her lap and then Caleb went clap, clap, clap "Yea-a-a-a!" That was simply priceless!! He did great even when all the laughter at the beginning of the vows startled him...he was just about asleep on my shoulder. He's a precious boy, Stephanie...because of you and Chris. Being proud of him is a great feeling, isn't it! You've got more in store for you, too.