There is a business near my home with this message on their sign. The message is all fine and good, but the part that drives me NUTS is that the W is obviously an M turned upside down. I always notice it when I drive by, and it always drives me nuts. I know this is a really petty thing to bother me, but it does. I should buy them a new letter W and send it to them. It would make us all happy!
What drives me crazy is when the person loading the sign turns an N or S backwards and can't tell the difference.... or uses a lowercase letter in an all-capped word!! Do ya suppose noticing comes from being a teacher or just knowing how things should be written?? LOL
Another thing that is sometimes annoying is a homemade poster/sign for a garage sale or such that has been written/scribbled with a fine point Sharpie and stuck on a corner for people to read as they drive by. Does the writer really think anyone can see or read it?!?!
How did you get your "m" to go upside down? You definitely have an eye for detail. I probably would have never even noticed there was sign, much less what it said.
Oh my goodness when you described the wedding when I was in the office, I thought it was just a little family affair! I have never seen so many bridesmaids and groomsmen! You look so sweet with your hair up and wasn't Caleb such a little man!! I love the picture where they are kissing under her vail. Your brother looks so much like you. This photographer looks like he/she got ya'll to have some fun doing untraditional pictures.
Oh my! The wedding pictures are beautiful! It made me a little weepy b/c Jake and I used that same song in our wedding video. It is so touching. What a gorgeous family!
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