We went and ate dinner last night on a gift card. Then we went to Barnes and Noble, and I got the next book club book on a gift card. I love gift cards!
Chris is going to come eat lunch with me today...on a gift card.
Tonight, Chris and I are going out on a date and will do it solely on gift cards given to us over the last month! Did I mention that I LOVE gift cards?!
Chris always gets gift cards from his kids at school around Christmas time, and I am always so excited to see what he is going to bring home! We'll have fun for awhile on all of the cool gift cards that everyone got us! Yay!
Yeah, I love gift cards too! I have several to Barnes and Noble and I can't wait to buy some books! Casey and I decided to eat out the other night because we had a gift card except we forgot to bring it with us! Oops. Another time, I guess! I don't understand why some people think that gift cards are not an appropriate gift.
I love gift cards! We actually did all gift cards for our families this year. We racked our brains silly looking for a perfect sweater or the right Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift. We decided after two weeks that it was just not worth it. We got everyone gift cards to places we felt they'd love so that they could go pick out their own gift without having to worry about returns.
I think gift cards are alot of fun as well. For my two cousins (whose name we drew for the exchange) we did a date night box - a gift card for dinner and one for the movies...I would have loved that!
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