I have a feeling Caleb is going to be a rock star! He loves to entertain people. Lately, when I change his diaper, etc. he likes to making this screeching noise that sounds like a rock star.
Then over the last week, I have taught him to use toys as a microphone. Yesterday we were using toy drum sticks as microphones. I would sing in one end, and he sang in the other. The great thing is, he used to not ever sing...but now he is singing all of the time! And I love it! It is the cutest thing to hear his little voice singing! And he copies what I sing back to me.
This morning as I was getting ready, I gave him the drum stick to keep him entertained and he sang his heart out for a really long time. Man, kids are so great! And it's so amazing to watch them learn...so quickly!
Grammie needs Caleb singing on her ringtone!! I have had his giggle on it now for a year and it's time for a change. I had thought I need to have you teach him how to say "Grammie, pick up the fone!" or "Grammie, Grammie! The fone!" LOL But singing would be even better! :)
Make sure you get him being a "rock star" on video sometime! That's great material for when he's a teenager and you want to embarass him. Or if he does really become a rock star, then it will just be part of the footage on his True Hollywood Story on E!
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