Thursday, August 26, 2010

What I learned from infertility

The biggest thing I learned through this process was how to deal with people in grief...any kind of grief. Here's what I learned regarding people in grief:
  1. Don't offer advice. Just listen! Everyone wants to help others when they are struggling. It's human nature. We hate to see others suffering. But most of the time, advice is not what the grieving person needs or wants. So many well-meaning people offered up advice to me, and I know they were doing it out of love. But the thing is, you hear the same advice over and over and over. Really, all I wanted someone to do is listen to me. I needed to vent and get things off my chest. If I got advice instead, there were many times that I would be really annoyed.
  2. Ask them about it! After I finally came out and told people what we were going through, there were really only 2 or 3 people that would ask me how I was doing and want to be updated on what was happening. I can't tell you how much I LOVE those few people!! It made me feel great that they cared enough to ask, cry with me, etc. I have one sweet, sweet friend that even to this day, when she sees me starts tearing up. (There was even one time where she was with me when it was announced that someone was pregnant. I was fine and not feeling too bad until I looked over and tears were running down her face. It touched me so much that this friend understood what I was going through and cared for me that much!) These days it's because she is so joyful for us. And every time I see her and these tears, I feel such great love for this friend. I want to be that kind of friend. I pray that if I know someone is struggling with ANYTHING, that I will be the friend that asks how they are doing, is not afraid to listen and help bear the burden with that person. Because really, isn't that what Christ does for us?
  3. Pray for them and let them know that you are praying. We first announced our struggle to our LIFE Group at church, and I knew that they were immediately praying for us. Then a few weeks later, we did Cardboard Testimonies at church where we shared with the church on a simple piece of cardboard what we were going through. After this, I knew that the church was praying for us. I would have people tell me all the time that they were praying and thinking of us, and I can't tell you how much that meant to me. Then the Sunday after everyone found out that we were having twins, it was like a huge party! People that I had no clue that were praying for us, came up saying they had been. It was wonderful! And honestly, this is an area where I need some work. I tend to easily forget to pray for others, and I am going to make this better because I know how great it was when others were praying for us.


Lindsay said...

You know listening in general is what people need to do more anyways. I am amazed how badly we interuppt one another b/c we think we have something better to say (including myself, unfortunately - but working on it) It becomes very apparent when someone is struggling and we still cannot keep our mouths shut b/c we want to solve everything.

I know the sweet friend you are talking about -and you are right. She has so much to teach us about listening, caring and truly being in touch with another person.

Lindsay said...
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Lindsay said...
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Lindsay said...

Sorry - having issues making a correction - I do know I misspelled interrupt. :)

Lynn Leaming said...

Great lessons Stephanie. I learned the same thing about listening and a BIG lesson on prayer. I said I would never again tell someone I would pray for them and then forget to do it, because I would have been devasted if all the people who had told me they were praying really weren't, because it was truly their prayers that got me through. You will find that God will also use you to bless other couples with their infertility. I found that 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 becomes so real when you have walked through other's shoes. May you watch God use you in a mighty way!

Christina said...

Thank you so much for sharing your story in your last few posts.