Thursday, January 31, 2008

Jupiter, to Get More Stupider

Remember this old schoolyard rhyme?

Girls are sexy, made out of Pepsi
Boys are rotten, made out of cotton
Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider
Girls go to Mars to get more candy bars

I remember saying this in elementary school (but I don't remember saying the sexy part...wonder what we said in it's place).

I have been reminded of this rhyme lately because my work is near Jupiter Rd. A few weeks ago, I was on the phone with Chris and he asked where I was. I said "I am at get more stupider!" I don't know why this flashed in my mind, but Chris thought it was funny. So then the other day, he asked the same thing and I happened to be at Jupiter again. So I said it again, and Chris started cracking up.

We had a discussion about this on the way to church last night, and I decided that the comedy of it is all in the delivery. You see, you have to say the first part but then pause a second before you say "to get more stupider". It's genious, really. Maybe not. But I think it's funny.


Lindsay said...

Wow what a blast from the past! I never would have remembered that rhyme, but now that you mention it I remember it. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

I do remember that rhyme! I was always so glad that the girls got candy bars instead of stupider!

Dara said...

I was just saying that rhyme in my head a couple of days ago. I don't remember what made me think of it now. We used to say the Jupiter part, but then "girls go to Mars, to get more stars." Candy bars would be way more enticing to me now. At the time I was all about getting star stickers on my charts... so it made perfect sense to me!

Yes, I've definitely said it about Jupiter road before! Classic! It's the perfect set up!

Anonymous said...

...and "girls go to college to get more knowledge" as the opposite in one version. Google a couple lines and you'll LOL @ what you come up with. I think jump rope rhymes and folk sayings are a hoot!! For instance: "He's so-o-o skinny that if he'd turn sideways and stick his tongue out, he'd look like a zipper!"