Friday, January 04, 2008


I know, I know. Some of you are going to say "You didn't really see that!" "What were you thinking!" "I can't believe you did that!", but here goes...

Chris and I saw The Golden Compass last night. We were curious to see what all the hubbub has been about, so we went to see it. Here are my thoughts on the movie:

  • The video affects were really good. All of the animation added in was really seamless.
  • It's really not a great story. There doesn't seem to be much to it.
  • I thought I would go "Wow, that is cool!" at least a few times during the movie, but I never said that to myself.
  • There wasn't anything about it that reeked of atheism. I spent the whole movie trying to dissect everything and figure out if there was a hidden meaning (I really wish there hadn't been a big deal about the movie...I think I might have enjoyed it more. But I just couldn't stop trying to analyze everything in my head.).
  • It really was a decent movie, but I just didn't think it was great. I thought I would be more impressed by the story and just the movie in general.

So, honestly, I wouldn't recommend seeing it. Part of me wondered if the movie people created all of the fuss just so more people would go see it. If there had not been such a big fuss, I don't think many people would have gone to see it at all.

And I'm sorry if you're thinking I'm a horrible person for seeing it. It probably won't be the last time I'll disappoint you! :)


Unknown said...

I'm not disappointed. I believe in reading/seeing things before judging them. I remember the Christian Coalition was boycotting Harry Potter when it came out as well, and I LOVE Harry Potter!

Thanks for the movie review.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks for your thoughts on this. I've thought about going to see it too - but maybe now I'll wait until I can rent it if you didn't think it was worth paying for the theater! I was actually thinking of reading the books too because I've heard that they're really well-written and based on that, I'm surprised that there wasn't more of a story that grabbed your attention. I had thought there would be.

Amberly said...

You didn't really see that!
What were you thinking!
I can't believe you did that!

(Hee-hee. I said all 3!!)

Seriously, I'm glad you reviewed it for us. Do you think it's appropriate for younger kids or older kids only? My kids enjoyed The Chronicles of Narnia & they enjoy the Harry Potter movies. Just wondering if this would appeal to them or not ??

Lynn Leaming said...

See you have to be bold to post something that you think is going to displease others, but you are staying true to yourself. I remember thinking the same thing about "The Last Temptation of Christ" many, many years ago (really dating myself) I went to see it because of the hubbub and thought without the hubbub very few people would have gone to see it because it just wasn't good. My understanding is that it was not the movie itself that was the concern nor was it to be atheistic but the fear was that it would lead kids to want to read the books which are more atheistic in nature. But I can't speak to that if I haven't read the books.
I remember after even presenting a movie to our parents at R.E. on the dangers of Harry Potter, I went to see it myself to educate myself and ended up agreeing while there were elements of it I disliked (i.e. witches and warlocks) that compared to other things that are out there at least there was no bad lanuage, no sex, and no misuse of God's name. I still struggle with God will accept my justifications in light of Phillipians 4:10, but I am praying that His grace will even cover bad movie choices one day. (not saying you made one, just saying sometimes I know I do and probably will)